In some cases, bacteria can get used to specific toothpastes which can diminish the effectiveness in cleaning teeth and ridding the mouth of harmful bacteria. By changing tooth pastes it can help keep bacteria from gaining a foothold.
Other things that can improve the overall oral health of patients is to change their routine. We can get stuck in a rut sometimes with routines we perform on a regular basis over time. By changing this up it can help reinvigorate our hygiene practices.
Do You Need a New Toothbrush?
One thing often overlooked by patients is changing their toothbrushes. Through everyday use, a soft bristle toothbrush should be changed every three to four months. As toothbrush bristles wear out from use, they are not as effective cleaning plaque from teeth. Another important fact to remember is, if patients have been sick with a sore throat, cough or cold, germs can cling to the brush bristles and increase the chance for reinfection. It is best to throw it away and replace it with a new one.
Toothbrush Holders Contain Germs
An overlooked part of your morning routine is the toothbrush holder. Many times, cups are used to store toothbrushes, especially in large families. When did you last wash it? It is a germ haven.
Brushing Techniques
It might seem strange, but changing your brushing technique can actually help keep your teeth clean. We all have a certain way of brushing our teeth. Do you start with the front teeth first? Try brushing the back teeth.
Another thing to keep in mind is to not overbrush. People often hear brush after every meal and immediately think it’s best to brush more frequently. This is can actually damage the tooth enamel and soft gum tissue. It is best to just rinse with water following meals.
As always, if you have questions about oral hygiene practices, feel free to contact our office. We are always willing to answer questions and provide guidance in your oral health.