How Your Oral Health Could Lead You to Facing Migraines

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Do you have problems with recurring migraines? If so, you may need to see us about a dental condition – one that involves the alignment of your teeth or your temporomandibular joint.

Are Your Migraines Related to a Dental Condition?

According to the American Migraine Foundation, about 36 million people in the U.S. experience migraines, and over a billion people worldwide suffer from headaches. Triggers for migraine pain may include allergies, hormonal fluctuations, bright light, the overuse of medicines, lack of sleep, or an oral health condition.

Common Oral Health Issues Related to Migraine or Headache Pain

Some of the oral health issues that lead to recurring bouts with migraines or headache pain include a bad bite, bruxism (or the clenching or grinding of the teeth), tooth decay, and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). For example, a bad bite or dental misalignment can cause your jaw muscles to work harder to keep the teeth in line or cause them to come together. When this happens, your muscles can become inflamed, which leads to headache pain. As noted, people may also gnash their teeth or grind or clench them unknowingly. This problem usually presents itself at night when the patient is sleeping. In response, he or she may wake up with an excruciating headache. This type of condition can also lead to problems with joint soreness or issues with the temporomandibular joint. We often notice that headaches experienced on one side of the head result from a bad bite or misalignment.

How Gum Disease and Cavities Can Lead to Headache Pain

Periodontitis and cavities can also lead to headache pain. That is because toothache pain or any pain resulting from an exposed tooth root can refer to discomfort to the head. When this happens, and the condition is not treated, the patient may suffer from ongoing headaches or migraines for a long time. Unfortunately, if you do not schedule regular 6-month checkups and exams, problems such as migraines cannot be addressed. Sometimes, you only need to have some cavities repaired to gain some headache relief or alleviate this type of distress.

Do you suffer from continual migraines? If so, they may be related to your oral health. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment for an exam.

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