Four Things to Do to Avoid Staining Your Teeth

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Tooth stains are unsightly, but they are often preventable. If you notice that your teeth have begun showing signs of staining, it could be due to your lifestyle. Here are four things that you can do that can prevent any excess staining on your teeth.

How to Avoid Stains on Your Teeth

Quit Using Tobacco

Tobacco use is one of the top causes of tooth stains. If you kick tobacco out of your life, it is likely to decrease how many stains your teeth get, plus, when you quit, you allow your body to heal from much of the damage that smoking can cause.


top Drinking Coffee

Coffee has tannins. These tannins stain your teeth when they come in contact with your teeth. If your teeth are dirty, they have more debris to cling to, allowing them to stain even deeper. If you want to avoid coffee stains, you may need to give up drinking it.

Avoid Staining Foods

Some foods stain your teeth whenever you eat them. Foods like beets and curries are some of the most famous. If you are really trying to avoid stains on your teeth, you want to avoid these foods.

Drink Through a Straw

In order to bypass the front teeth when you drink, using a straw can be the best answer. It helps get whatever you are drinking, further back in your mouth. This allows the drink to go from the cup to down your throat without much interaction with your teeth.

Tooth staining can be avoided in many cases. If you want to keep your teeth looking white, brush them well, contact our office, and try some of these tips. They can help keep your teeth whiter, including if you recently had them whitened.

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