If you have missed several dental visits or if you have not been brushing your teeth well the dental team will recommend that you have dental cleanings. Deep cleaning is essential for it as a preventive and also treatment for gum and periodontal gum disease. Our dental team will help in creating awareness of the need for deep cleanings to give you optimal oral health.
When is it necessary?
You will need deep cleanings after the teeth have been affected by periodontal gum disease. This is because this disease makes the bones and gum tissue around them to be destroyed completely and pockets are formed around the teeth. The pockets create a room where bacteria thrive and lead to more bone loss and loss of tissue. This can lead to extraction of teeth and the area needs deep cleaning. During deep cleanings if you already have a cavity then our dental team will numb the area to remove the decay and clean the infected area without you experiencing any pain. After the procedure antibiotics and over-counter pain relievers can be used.
What Happens During Deep cleanings
The dental hygienist will scale the teeth and gums by removing plaque and tartar that has to build up in between the teeth and into the gums. The area below the gum line is scaled and this goes to the bottom of the pocket. The dental hygienist will then do a planning process that involves smoothening of teeth roots so that gums reattach to the teeth. Our dental team will guide you on when you need deep cleanings. We will also answer major questions that you might have about deep cleanings and how to maintain proper oral hygiene at all times. Ensure that you maintain proper brushing and flossing after deep cleanings.